Affiliate Membership
An affiliate membership is offered to licensed allied mental health clinicians who wish to engage with psychologists in furthering the mission of NAPA.
Affiliate membership status is available to individuals who meet the following criteria:
1) Currently licensed in an allied mental health field to practice in TN
2) Are actively engaged in professional work (e.g., clinicians, professor, researcher) or study
(e.g., post-doctoral fellowship) that is primarily psychological in nature
3) Must reside or practice in Tennessee
Affiliate members are not entitled to vote or hold office but may participate in committees and are entitled to all other privileges of membership (e.g., access to email listservs appropriate to your credentials, social events, discounts on educational opportunities).
**Payment of dues is representative of agreement to abide by the Bylaws and the following professional statement: I affirm that I will conduct my professional behavior in an ethical manner, and that I will abide by the rules, Bylaws, and procedures of NAPA, and that I will follow the professional standards set by the APA Code of Ethics. I agree, as a NAPA applicant or current member, to inform the association's representative (Board Members) as to the outcome of any ethical investigation in which I may be involved.